Friday, September 14, 2012

9.14.12 This week in pictures

Loving the mornings lately, and taking advantage of my nice big front porch. Fall is near....breathing it in....
Woodrow, also loving the weather...
Morriskitty, sunbathing...
Its true.
Doing homework :)
While Liam and I were doing his homework, the babies took the opportunity to take off through the house. Moejoe joined them. Little explorers.
Chillaxing. Getting their drink on. You know how we roll..
1. Samuel the spider monkey eyes his prey
2. Samuel the Spider Monkey takes his stance.
3. He makes his move. Daisy Mazy, realizing the attempt being made on her bottle, grips it tightly and looks up at me to make sure i am aware of the situation at hand.
4. Daisy- What the what!?!?!
5. Daisy was not amused. Samuel was all, what the problem?

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