Sunday, September 14, 2014

30 Day 3 Positive - Day 5

1. I woke up this morning to the sun already out, bright and shining.
Which means i got to sleep in to a whopping 745am. That's right , almost EIGHT AM. That's like the equivalent of sleeping in till noon in my world. lol
There is dark chocolate coconut almond milk in my coffee this morning.
Its going to be a good day.

2. Vivid dreams. I have a few reoccurring dreams that make their rotation on occasion. One not being so nice (tornado's, these have been coming and going since i was like 5....meh...)but the others are lovely and/or interesting. The images and feeling of the dreams always linger for a few hours in the morning leaving me feeling a little curious....wondrous.....

3. I havent been writing much lately. But thats ok. :)
I find that when life gets overwhelming, i have the tendency to sort of shut down a bit. I know this about myself now.  Too many thoughts make it hard for me to get anything out. Its one of my things and its a process.
I come out of it feeling a bit stronger, at times inspired and appreciative for the now.
So I guess what i am trying to say is that life isnt always easy, but i can appreciate that. The process is a growing experience and as long as i get something positive out of it i am living. :)
I have so many photos and stories yet to share, art and moments yet to create....

Love and light, 


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