Friday, October 26, 2012

10.26.12 Appreciating life. In all it's beauty and madness. This week in pictures.

Liam poured that entire container of water over her head two seconds after this shot.
Should have seen it
She didn't cry, just stood there like- uh, ok....what was that all about...?
And with that, boys being boys:
Sharing donuts while Daisy is still asleep as usual in the a.m.
 (they make gfcf donuts people! So good! Also they are GMO free and organic....and free range. lol. jk) 
The girl sleeps hard. Just like her mama......used

Vroom vroom!
Sammy's riding- spider monkey style.
Daisy says, i got your back brother! Here, lets go! 
The budding artist.
School daze.
Just woke up from nap-time, now its snack time!
Check out Daisy's bedhead and Sammy's snot face.
Cute even with a cold.
Hard at work- eating cookies and coloring :)
...I feel ya MoeJoe. 

We spent the better part of this week fighting off colds. Well, at least the birds did. Jason and I seem to be untouched thus far.
I totally know when the little sneaky virus "breached our perimeter"  too.
I took Liam to 1st ave st park on Sunday for some mama/liam time, and there was a little sniffly/cough-y girl there who immediately befriended Liam.
I didn't notice the coughing and such until after the fact, so at first it was just cute.
Liam doesn't talk yet, and neither did she.... and i tried talking to her but she just stared at me... (although i am not sure if she could or not? I guess you never know, and i can relate...). Anyways she seemed to be around his age or even a little older and right off the bat she seemed to "get" him. Hard to explain but adorable.
She would wait for him notice her, then would take off...Liam chasing right behind.
She noticed that he really wasn't "down" with the swirly slide, and you could tell she wanted him to try it. So he would follow...and she would go to the swirly slide...slide down....then look up at him as if to say- come on! go! then she run over to the fake rock climbing area and he would run over and wait for her to climb back up... then she would slide down to regular slide and he would follow....and lather rinse repeat..... It was only after a few times that she began hacking...and i immediately cringed ...knowing. Just, knowing.
So,  Liam came down with it first, missed school Tuesday and the twins started sniffling Tuesday night.
I think i slept about an hour that night.
I have become used to no sleep however, and am now an expert at functioning on total Zombie mode. And i do it quite well mind you. Not to say it doesn't suck, because it does. But whatev. Ya know?
Liam went back to school on Thursday and Sam and Daisy are almost over it now. Should be good as new by tomorrow. Thankfully it wasn't a very bad one and maybe this means we got it out of the way for the season. Fingers crossed.

This evening i found out that my very best-est childhood friend's dad passed.

She is a rock. I love her for it.
To some she might seem cold, by the way she is "dealing" with all of this.
But i know better. Much much better.
I respect her for it.
And i appreciate and love her for it too.
More than she will ever know.
I feel lucky to have been blessed with her and her family , in my life.
They were my family when i didn't have a family.
She, her father, her mother always accepted me for who I was.
No matter what.
They cared for me and loved me, and took care of me.
Even when i was an asshole, making crappy decisions and effing up my life.
I knew i could always knock on their door and would be met with open hearts.
Come on in. Make yourself a sandwich. Need a smoke? Here's a light. Need a bed? Here, get some rest. Need an ear? Some guidance? No judgement, no questions. 
Well, maybe some questions, lol, but it didn't matter because i knew they were always there no matter what.
I am forever grateful and thankful for that. 
I spent Christmases with them... birthdays...shared some of the most important moments of my life with them.
I envied her for the love she had from her father. I never had that. I didn't even know what it was.... Or even felt like. I saw how important it could be. How important it is. And it is.
I will remember him for always being  funny, and witty and having a huge heart.
And loving her. And her mom.
And caring for me.

My little sister will be coming to stay for a while next weekend. I am excited to be able to spend time together and to have someone to go with me on adventures throughout the week, while Jason's at work. Also it always kicks ass having an extra pair of hands around :)
You dont even know what our getting yourself  into chickypoo.
Don't .
Even .
But i it will be FUN .
And entertaining.
And adventure-filled.
And I love you.
And all will be good,
You just have to have faith,
And all of the above.
The end.


Love and light, 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

10.20.12 This week in pictures

3 little crazy  birds :)
This is Liam's- Daisy's being a little to screechy mom, and i kinda don't like it- face
Hi guys!
Making J pose for me before he heads out for a work golf tournament thingy last Tuesday :)
Looking handsome!
We Love you Daddy! 
Sammy was using the pile of clothes to roll down like a hill

Look at those teefers!
  Daisy wanted to have a go as well ...

This was Liam s best week at school thus far, getting  smiley face stickers on all his daily goals both days. He is adjusting wonderfully to school.
Man, it feels so good to type that. 
He was genuinely happy both days, which ultimately is the most important thing of all.

We are soaring ! :)

When all 3 of my birds are happy, I am happy too.


Daisy is getting all 4 of her top front teeth in at once. What the. She's been a tad bit more clingy than usual, but hey. Thats ok. If i had 4 teeth breaking through my gums i would probably be a little extra sumpthinsumpthin too.

The babies interactions are on full blast now. Playing together all the time, chasing after each other, holding hands while in their high name it.
Which also means they are starting to go at each other too.
It usual starts with one poking the other ones face, or pinching, or pulling hair or maybe one grabbed a toy out of the others hand......
And while Liam doesn't really have a whole lot of interest in playing directly with Sam and Daisy he likes watching them play and will play alongside.
He only gets annoyed by them if one or both are screaming or if they try to take over something hes playing with.
Whatever the case, its on.
Having only had Liam for the longest time, this gives me a whole new perspective.
Sweet and sometimes a bit sour,  we are discovering the ying and yang of being the parents of 3 birds all under the age of 4.
I  gutted the twins closet the other day. It got to the point I could hardly step into it, there was so much baby gear and boxes of clothes now too small for them to wear. Not to mention the stuff that has already migrated to the shed.
So, its time.
I started taking individual pics of everything with it in mind to post on craigslist to sell. But after the millionth pic i was like, ok i have way too much crap here to try to sell all of it piece by piece.
Yard sale!
I have never had one before but i definitely have accumulated enough stuff to have one. Plus,the holidays are coming up and we could always use the extra cash!
Thanks to very generous family and friends, we had more than we needed when it was time for Liam to arrive. And, after Liam was born, we didn't think we were going to have any more kids. So as he began to outgrow certain things,  i felt it was only right to give away and/or donate all those pay it forward, if you will. Fast forward a year and a half and we were surprised and blessed with a twin pregnancy. I immediately stopped giving Liam s old stuff away to save for Sammy. So from 18 months and up Sammy is set :)
Anyways my point is that i gave away a ton of stuff.
And now mama needs a brand new bag. Like, for real. lol  And few new bras. And maybe some shoes. I cant remember the last time i shopped for myself! So, yeah. :)
Going to try for next Saturday. In the meanwhile i have been using our room as a staging area for all things yard sale and as i type i am totally surrounded by loads of baby stuff.

Dolla dolla bills ya'll!  :)

Love and light,

Saturday, October 13, 2012

10.13.12 Lots and lots of pics...(and some videos too! haha) This week in pictures.

...And then Georgie would make the fire light
Log wood burnin' through the night...
Had an awesome time hangin with the Rohrbaugh's Sat night!
Morning after:
We ran out of wood and didn't have an ax to cut this huge branch so the boys thought this was a good idea  at the time........this is how "situations" go down
Blazing a trail and enjoying last Sundays beautiful weather at our fav park
mama and daddy do it different  If it was up to dad, Liam would be flying to the moon on this tire swing. 
Me, i am little more cautious. lol
Can you believe i carried both those babies inside me?!? It still blows my mind sometimes.
Back in my old jeans and it feels good! 

Miss thing.

Wearing big brothers (not so) old hand me down pjs.... 
My little little.
Curious George...
Well if you didnt know, now you know. These are SO GOOD!
And all 3 birds love them, yum!
And look, REAL FOOD!
Ding dong....
This is probably TMI (butohwellwhateveridontcarelol), but i was cleaning out my freezer and found this under some frozen veggies and made me feel a little nostalgic...knowing that this era is over for more babies or (per rosemary) mama-baba-tatas.....I am glad i gave it my all both times.....had a nice long run with Liam (14 months) and did my very best with the twins (we made it 6 months) ....and it was worth it all.

So, what is up with the crazy spiders outside of my house lately? I cant even begin to think what this one could be...never seen anything like it....EEK!

No spideys here.....
Our Accidental Bean Garden, still alive and kickin....

We have a love/hate relationship, she and I....more love than hate though.... 
Just in time for Halloween...Hisssssssss!
Butterfly bush.
Well i am sure that is not the technical name but there where so many butterflies around it that  I could actually hear their wings for me...
My crew.
Liam- Mama, will you get down from up there already? What the what.
Me- Come on Bubba go down the swirly slide with me one more time!
(young at heart)

Well....whadaya know....
Sleeping babies means a peaceful moment for J and I.
Grab me a beer outta the fridge will you daddy? ...whats on the DVR?


I have to get better at posting my weekend wrap up on Mondays or Tuesdays so i am still feeling the weekend
Last Saturday night was so much fun! We made sort of last minute plans to hang out with Cindy and Chad, 
and Jason whipped up some meatballs and sauce with pasta, which turned out to be the best ever ever. 
Of course we got the fire pit going, because that's what we do , and spent the rest of the night hanging out by the fire. Always good times!

The weather these days has been amazing, so Sunday we paid a visit to our fav park. The kiddos got to play and then we went for a stroll, and got to enjoy the delicious breeze.

Tuesday there was no school. I was afraid that having been out so many days from school would make Liam go back to square one on Thursday but, i was wrong! He did exceptionally well. Not even so much as a whimper getting on the bus. At the end of the day his bus driver reported that he did awesome, he was happy and laughing and playful , there and back. Miss Jill also reported that Liam has really improved and only got fussy one time that day, the rest of the time he did great! It feels so good to hear and know that he is making progress, and i see it at home too. No more fits after school, he comes home happy and smiling. 
And, no more bedtime battles!For the past 3 nights he's been going to bed with no fights. Amazing. I give this one completely over to Kirkman Labs Super New thera. Big ups to Super Nu Thera! Thats whats up! 

See! What did i tell you about that whole, having faith thing? :)

I spent a lot of time this week doing research. I was given a parent mentor through the TACA Parent Mentor Program, and i am so thankful for it. She and I have been chatting off and on this week and she has been able to provide me with ton of helpful information, and some resources that i didn't already have. Always a good thing! It feels really great to be able to chat with someone who shares a similar story and has been through it already. I am able to gain a lot of new insight and she is able to provide me with some much needed guidance and advice as well. Grateful for her and TACA.. 

The rest of the week has been blur, Jason has been really busy at work and I have been busy as usual at home with the birds. 
We went for a walk around downtown newnan today and stopped off the 1st ave st park so Lima could have a little fun on the playground, then picked up a pizza on the way home.
Its about 11pm right now and everyone's asleep. I am chomping on a cold piece of pizza, watching BET awards (why i am not sure) and finishing my beer.  then its off to bed....i know i know....carbs carbs. But whatev. :)

Some more vids for your viewing pleasure below, night night!

basketball superstar.
crazy birds

huffenpuff and sammy-gram!
I have been craving and listening to a lot of Nirvana, and this is one of my favs ....Brings me back to my craycray teenage years and a boy named Z who used to play this song on his guitar for me....(simma down folks......its just a good

Love and light,