Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8.29.12 Liam never ceases to amaze me

He started drawing on his own yesterday. This past week he also started playing with trucks, appropriately, instead of just rolling then down his slide or spinning the tires. he also began imitating yo gabba gabba dancey dances and would dance and jump along to kids going the same on tv. And, everyday during morning music time, he dances along with me.
We left him and the babes with grandma yesterday, and she said he was wonderful and that he loved on her the entire time! If you are familiar with his temperament towards grandma, you know- this. is. Amazing.

Liam starts school in a little over a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1130am to 2 pm. He'll even start riding the bus coming home starting the second day. Eeeek! :)
Although we dont have an official diagnosis yet, we pretty much already know that liam is on the spectrum for autism. Yesterdays meeting at the school pretty much confirmed it for us. Although, we have known for quite a while, but they were the first to really "say" it. Liam has been receiving speech therapy, some occupational therapy, and some sensory integration therapy. He will be receiving this at school as well but we will also be setting up private therapy for him outside of school. Therapy along with the gfcfsf diet are the start of our weapon arsenal in our battle against this thing called autism.We will soon be starting a protocol of vitamins and other natural supplements which i believe will also make a big difference in helping Liam live the healthiest, happiest life we can give him.
God has blessed us with this unique and beautiful little boy and I am so grateful for him. Liam changed my life, our lives. He made us a family!
He is my angel.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best buds


I heard them laughing from the kitchen so i went in to the play room ready to take a pic, and this is what i found! A baby train! On a slide! They thought it was the funniest thing ever. Evertime Daisy pushed on Sams tush with her head he would crack up, then she would crack up, then sam would almost roll off the slide...etc etc... They are interacting so much these days , i can just sit there and watch them play non stop sometimes, its so cute. Liam usually plays alongside and will occasionally hand them a toy or TAKE  a toy lol.  You know, whatev. Oh siblings :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I am excited! Jason is on his way home form picking up my latest finds on craigslist. 85 bucks bought us a second play set climber with two slides, a play house and a sand and water table. What a find!! The playset new is over 200, the house around 100 and the table around 40 to 50 bucks. Heck yes.

My next two items on the agenda to obtain for the outdoor play area extravaganza for the kiddos is a swing set and a trampoline. also a small to medium sized canopy to put over our patio furniture so we have some shade.
H to the izzo my nizzo! (can you vibe my excitement for scoring great deals? lol)

Friday, August 3, 2012

The babes

Sam and Daisy are 8 months!
Daisy's 2 bottom teeth are poking through, shes a tough little thing, no change in sleeping , no extra fussiness, none of that. the only difference an dmay be a little more drooling and chewing. Daisy has become adventurous the past few weeks, zipping through the house on her tummy,chasing after woodrow and moejoe and liam. The girl is quick! She pushes up on her hands and knees but i think shes realized that since shes already so good at the belly crawl that, whats the point of getting her knees all red and briused up from crawling on them? lol
She and Sam have interacting a lot. I catch them smiling and laughing with/at each other all the time.  Yesterday when Jill was here for Liam's therapy session, I peeked in to the sunroom where the twins were and found Daisy on her back, and Sam has crawled completely on top of her. She didnt mind at all!  they were talking to each other and holding hands. SO CUTE.
This week Sam has started trying to sit up. He pushing up fomr a hands and knees position and gets on nhis bum, leaning on one arm. Hes able to get back to the hands and knees posino fairly well and so far hes only fallen back a few times but its been on soft surfaces thankfully.
I have also caught him pulling up on to his knees. i wonder if he will ever really get the crawling down , he may just start pulling up then walking instead? who knows. he gets around though not as fast as daisy but he manages to scoot around as he tries crawling, slowly but surely.
The babes have graduated from baby food already if you can believe it.  They're hungry! (especially daisy, which is mostly why we moved froward with more substantial foods)
So far we are eating diced up, avocados,tomatoes, potatoes, and bananas. Throw in some peas, some toast with jam cut up really small, and an array of crackers in the mix. Oh, and oatmeal. We're still doing some baby food but we're moving on up with the real food. next up, brown rice and beans! maybe some broccoli cooked super soft. :)

Liam has been doing well with therapy. we are practicing PECS (picture exchange communication system). I say practicing but hes pretty much got it down pat. anytime we introduce a new picture/object, it only takes him a few tries before he knows what to do and what he wants.
We've been playing in his little pool outside alot. I swear hes part fish, he loves the water so much.
Hard to belive, but my little liam, love of my life, will be 3 in about a month. that same week he starts the headstart program in school.crazy! i think it will be a bit of a "transition" for the first month but it will be really good for him and i think he will really like it.
TJ was in town recently and Liam had a fun time playing with him the few times he came over with grandma. It was nice to see Liam interacting well with another kid around his age. 
Hes been doing really well on the gfcf diet too. we meet with a pediatrician in September who specializes in this type of diet with kids so we can get some more advice, and guidance as we move forward.
Liam has been showing more interest in the twins, feeding them bits of food when they are in their high chairs and also handing them toys when they are all playing. Both Sam and Daisy LOVE watching Liam play, run, jump, babble, they love big brother!

Sam sits up

we're up....and we're down....and we're up again!
Go Sammy!


Samuelito is also pulling up on things, not on his feet just yet but up an don his knees. Found him doing this in his crib so we'll have to put the crib mattress down a notch today.  He set out to prove us wrong! haha we all though miss Daisy would be the first with most milestones but so far Sam has gotten his teeth first, rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back, started pushing up on his hands and knees and now siting up and pulling up too. What a little so and so ;)
But, Daisy has the belly crawl aka the seal, down to a science. Shes been mobile for a few months now! Shes FAST too.  Will be posting video soon.