Friday, June 14, 2013

Sammy's first haircut

Sam and Daisy- taking over Super Cuts. ;)
^ Before....
(His hair was getting very long and the front got a little jacked up from my attempt to trim it up the night before....thus our visit to the hair salon! You know how I

Sammy did such a good job! Just a few whiny moments but overall, he was a trooper! Nothing a lollipop cant take care of :)
What a handsome little guy. Love my little Sammy G.

Love and light, 

Mothers Day

What Liam brought home from school. 
So simple, but made my day :)
The 3 little birds (with a lil bit of help from Tia Jenny) made this for me... 
*heart melts*
Jenny took me out for a Mothers Day lunch :)

This past mothers day.....I was spoiled more than any mothers day thus far. In fact, i dont think it will be topped any time soon. I am ok with that. lol
Mothers Day morning, I awoke to little Liam climbing into bed for our morning snuggle before we get up for the day.
Shortly there after, Jason walked in, holding what looked like a tray from far away (I didnt have my contacts in...). I thought, aw, breakfast in bed! He got closer to me and i realized , it was a box. 
I sat up and started to try to get my brain to wake up and that a laptop??????? 
The rest of the day went by just as beautifully. Lunch date with Jenny, movies and dinner with Daddy and a day of love all around.
....the entire weekend was lovely. 
Did I mention the laptop? 
Happy mothers day to me!

Love and light,

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Schoooooooolsssss out for SUMMER!

Waiting for Liam's bus on the last day before his first summer vacation!
^ Trying to get my phone to play games. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MOMMMMMMMM....
He's serious about his games. 
Off you go!
We were invited to visit Liam's classroom on the last day (and bring treats too of course) 
He was so excited to see us :)
Mrs. Brenda :)
She is Miss Jill's aid, and she is wonderful. This was her last year before retirement, and we are going to miss her!  
Miss Jill! :)
Time to go home! 
(Walking Liam to his bus)
Liam REALLY enjoys riding the bus , and i didn't want him to miss out on his last ride before summer break just because we came to visit. We live like 2 miles away, so my goal was to speed racer my way home to try to beat his bus... Just in case though, Grandma was there keeping an eye on the twins and was prepared to be out there to meet him. Good thing  because I pulled up right as he was getting off! lol

Liam's first year of school went by in a flash! 
The year was filled with many surprises, joy's, breakthrough's, challenges, and beautifully eye opening moments. 
We learned a lot, and continue to do so. We look forward to what the new school year will bring!
We are INCREDIBLY PROUD of our Liam Oliver!

Love and Light,