Saturday, November 17, 2012

11.17.12 The Funky Foursome: Twins, a Toddler and a Teenager. This Week...and Last Pictures.

The Funky Foursome :)
Miss Jenny the day she arrived.
Representing....West Side Newnan? lol

All the birds LOVE Jenny and she is so incredibly good with all 3....but these two ^ have an extra special thing going sweet. 

Jenny's sleeping buddy :)
Wakey Wakey, time to hit the trails!

Our Hiking Adventure to Chattahoochee Bend State Park

Dance party in the woods
Found a sweet walking stick propped up against a tree....dont mind if i do!
Sexy hiking shoes.

Woodrow is very snuggly, whether he feels like it or not, these days ;)

Love when he holds my hand :)

Los Tres
Oh Hai.
Using Sams noggin to help push himself up. Sam was not amused...
Back home after our park adventure, winding down with a Baby Einstein dvd.
Check out Miss Thing's stance :)

Last blooms of the season. 
So beautiful. 

I cant believe its already been two weeks since Jenny arrived. We've had a fun and busy few weeks!
having a teenager in the house keeps you on your toes that's for sure!The funky foursome is either going to keep me young or make me old. haha 
And with a personality like Jenny's, it just brings another level of funny, quirky, craziness to the house.  Shes sweet and hilarious and smart and has an enormous heart. Girl is cray and I love her for it. 

I described teenagers to a friend recently in an email exchange- 
"Teenagers are crazy. 
Their ability to process thoughts and make decisions is incredibly skewed. It can certainly be frustrating and exhausting to be the ones to have to watch it all go down and try to steer them back in the right direction on a seemingly constant basis. Its like they operate through life with blindfolds on and going at 100 miles an hour upside down and with their hands tied. By choice. because its "fun". lol"

Yeah, i think that about sums it up. 
Man i am so glad that i am not a teenager anymore. haha

But you have to give some credit. She recognized she was in a situation where her life was not heading in a very positive direction and decided that for her-for now- stepping away for a while may be the best thing. 
I think that for a 17 year old to see that , actually give a shit and decide for herself that she needs to make a change is a good thing.
She is focused on getting ahead in school and graduating early if possible. We are taking things day by day. We talk a lot about focusing on the now, but also talk a lot about the future. Among many things I  hope to be able to light a few flames of  inspiration in her heart and mind.
We are happy to be able to help out and opened our doors gladly, as a few out there did for J and I when we were younger and trying to find our way too. So we can definitely relate to the climb!
Its been great to be able to spend so much time together. I have someone to watch movies with me (jason is a picky movie watcher, us not so much), play wii games with me even though she doesnt really like video games she says butthatsokwhateverhaha and coming from a big family i just love having someone around to shoot the breeze with, whenev.  Plus the added set of hands is an extra bonus! Makes our day to day just a little bit smoother and flexible. J is actually able to sit down a relax for a bit most days when he gets home instead of having to dive right in to dinner/bathtime/bedtime baby madness. Appreciative of that!
We help you, you help us! Give and take, ying and yang. Works for us!
The birds love having their Aunt around, and Jenny is really wonderful with them too.

Liam has been doing well, and we had our first visit with our new pediatrician a week ago, which went super awesome.
Sam is going to be walking any day now, he lets go, takes a few steps and plops down. He can do it, just doesn't know it yet ;)
He has also starting saying what we think is Daddy or Dada. Along with Daisy's mama and baba's, its cuteness on another level.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and this year is going to be really special with Mom, Dave, Jessica and Elijah coming up to spend the Holiday here in Georgia. EXCITED just doesn't do justice to describe what i am feeling. I am excited to see my mom of course but even more so for Jessica and Elijah to come up since its their first visit ever up here to see us! Jessica is my sister from another mister...and THAT one out lol...and Elijah is her rock star son, our nephew. We have a new age Brady bunch family. Dysfunctional-ity at its best. :) Liam loves his cousin and they get a long really well, i love it.  I am so ready for Wednesday to just hurry up and get here already!

Love and light, 

While driving around the other night with Jenny, I put in one of my mix cd's. 
On it was a few pink floyd songs. 
I said- Hey have you ever listened to pink floyd, being that you call yourself somewhat of a hippie? She said no, but i have a pink floyd t-shirt.

No but I have a pink floyd tshirt she said. 


I have so much to teach this girl ;)

Cue amazing tune-age that should preferably be listened to at high volumes:

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