Friday, November 2, 2012

11.01.12 Life is an adventure.... This week in pictures.

 Love the last shot:
 Daisy screeching, Sammy like-whatthewhat?!?! ...and Liam looking for a place to bail...haha
Love my Atlanta and how I miss her so....
I have hopes of one day returning to live ITP , once again...I would even be happy with Chamblee or Decatur....just closer than we are now...
...One day...

A mommy and Liam park adventure...
It was chilly so we had the kids castle playground all to ourselves...
We had so much fun.
* young at heart*


Rocking the devil horns for like, the 3rd year in a row...courtesy of  Miss JJ from our office days :)
Next year i gotta make some time to buy a new get-up.... lol....its time....
The Cookie Monster would not comply...
...And decided to make his escape to the nearest trampoline....

 Happy Halloween :)




The week started off nicely, Liam and I were able to spend some time together on Sunday so we headed off to our favorite spot, Carl Miller Park
It was pretty chilly, so i got him all bundled up and off we went. Adventures with mama and Liam. The babies stayed home napping with Daddy (which didnt last long after i left lololol).
There was only a handful of people there, which was nice. We went and played in the Kids Castle playground area, going down all the slides (yes, me too), going on every swing and tire swing, and just running and laughing through all of the tunnels and :)
After we just walked around the trails, exploring.....Fall smells know what i mean?
Tuesday was a busy, long day. We took Liam to our first appointment at the Marcus Center, and it was good!
Sam and Daisy stayed home with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Rosemary. They got lots of lovins, and we are grateful to have family so close. 

Wednesday was Halloween. We made plans to go to Jason's sisters house, to go trick or treating in her neighborhood, which has now sort of become our yearly Halloween thing. Liam LOVES his older cousins and his aunt and uncle plus their neighbors give out the bomb candy, which is equally as important. ;)
Daisy dressed up as Tinkerbell, but since its cold out she donned a long sleeve onsie and leggins underneath. The wings kept bothering her when she would crawl and I came this close to just calling it a day, 1 hour into her having the costume on but, as i got the boys dressed in their costumes she made peace with the wings. Thank goodness.
Sam dressed up as Tigger, and Liam rocked last years costume sice it still fit, Cookie Monster. 
Next years Halloween note to self- A new costume for yours truly, no masks or any type of costume requiring head gear for Liam,  and no wings for Daisy. ;)

The rest of the week kinda flew. Liam has been doing really well, schools pretty much a breeze now. Hes really been into listening to music a lot lately and drawing. We also started him on a new supplement this week and so far so good. 

We listen to a hodge podge of tunes throughout the day. Lately, along with our daily dose of  Bob Marley, which Liam requests by bringing me the remote to the play station (we listen to my cds on it , oldschool) also on rotation has been some Elton John, Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Eat World, Steve Miller Band, Cake and Porno for Pyros (I know, doesn't seem like a band called porno for pyros would be very kid appropriate but a names just a

We are dancing, singing, rambling gang of birds.

This weather has been AH-MAY-ZING and i am trying to get outdoors with all the birds as much as possible before its gets too cold. 
Although, i am already planning on all sorts of crafty fun things we can do indoors during the colder days :)
Plus we can catch up on reading some books and maybe even work in some classic kid and Disney movies since the twins seem to have been showing a bit more interest in some of the kid shows that Liam watches once or twice a day.  
We are expecting Miss Jenny Tay Tay in tha hiz-ouse on Sunday! 
Looking forward to hanging with the lil sis for the next howeverlongshestays...

 ...And i seriously cannot believe its already NOVEMBER. The twins will be 1YEAR OLD at the end of this month. Really? Seriously??? 

Sams almost walking, Daisy has 6 teeth, and is saying mama and dada,  Liam is soaring :) and momma is back on the yoga grind. Daddy doing his thing. i am blessed and we are blessed. 
Life has a way of twisting and turning.....gotta have the ying to the yang...its beautiful in its light and shadows...we ride the highs and do our very best to soar upward against the lows....Ultimately Life is an Adventure...and through IT ALL just have to remember to explore...keep your heart and mind open....dont worry about anyone else's opinion of you, because in the end it only matters what bring joy to YOUR life..and do what i tell my birds every day- always be kind, and be happy.

Love and Light,

You didn't have to give your necklace to me before I left
Now I lay awake and think how very smart you were
I thought about you every day
I hear the rain comin' in from miles away
The air is as clean as your skin next to my face
Thought about you every day
100 ways
I thought about you and me a hundred ways
100 ways
And now I lay awake and dream you're right above my face
Look into my eyes the way you doƬdon't look away
Thought about you every day
Birds fall in love here right above my head
They make the same kind of sounds you do
When we're laying in my bed
100 ways
I thought about you and me a hundred ways
100 ways
And if I had my way when I woke up
In the morning I would read and write
Before I ever drew the shades I would kiss you
Before you opened up your eyes
Birds build their homes here right above my head
They make the same kind of sounds you do
When we're laying in my bed
100 ways
I thought about you and me a hundred ways

100 ways

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