Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Year of The 3 little Birds: Sam and Daisy turn 1!

Surprise Surprise!
(Sam on the left and Daisy on right)
The day they were born.
Sam weighed 4.8 lbs.
Daisy 5 lbs.
Little troopers.
 They were soooooo teeny...
After 2 weeks...finally headed home...

I dont know what we would have done without the help of all of our family over the past year. 
Especially Grandma (Jason's mom ^), and Mimi (my mom).


Our Orlando visit
Liam's ever doting audience.
Mimi lovins are the best.
my little chiquita banana
First adventure to grocery store with all 3 birds
A day in the life...
oh, moejoe...
shake your groove thing shake your groove thing...yeah yeah...

oh, my...
a moment...
Life with Aunt Jenny :)
smothered by sam/daisy/laim love
A jumping/wrestlemania party :)
Bye-bye 11 month old babies!

And just like that, we are 1...
Morning of our 1st birthday...
Party time!
I made Liam his own- GFCFSF (and yeast free) - chocolate on chocolate cupcakes. They are delish! I liked them better than the regular ones actually.....cant beat chocolate on chocolate. ;)

Daisy WAS NOT diggin the dress...gets in the way of moving around mama! 
...wait till you start walking in heels my girl...

I didnt think i was in labor when i was advised by my doctors nurse to go to the hospital, "just in case". 
I was totally convinced that it was false labor and since my contractions weren't painful at the time, i was just going to be checked up and sent home. 
I had been in pain and uncomfortable since about 5 months pregnant, getting contractions here and there for a while. They usually went away after drinking a big glass of water and sitting or laying down for a bit. So, any other added aches and pains were like, eh, whatev just another day. lol. 
But on this day, they didnt seem to want to go away, which is why i called the good ol doc, just to be on the safe side.
Besides, i had only just reached 33 weeks of pregnancy and was bound and determined to make it to 36 weeks. After 32 weeks their lungs are developed and after 34 they begin fattening up. 
I wanted to so badly to feel secure that they would be born strong and healthy. I kept my eye ont he 36 week goal. Anything after that would just be extra.
I was so focused on this goal that my brain seemingly ignored my body saying - AHEM!!! ok we are OVER it and and its time. Today: 
November 30 2011.

After several attempts to stop the contractions, they then realized i was already 5 centimeters dilated and off to get sliced and diced i went. 
It was one of the most surreal days of my life. Jason rushed off to drop Liam off at home and wait for his parents to arrive to take care of him. While he was gone they prepped me and Jason literally walked in with  only a few minutes to spare before the surgery began. 
I was freaked , not being able to move anything from my waist down, and once the surgery began the pressure was intense. INSANE. my lungs felt like they were being pressed up against my throat. i couldnt breathe! My anesthesiologist was a funny guy, and kept trying to make me smile, poor thing. And he kept asking me if i felt sick. Do you feel ok? Nauseous  Sick? No no no i kept replying. Until the next thing i know i am puking uncontrollably. I swear he TALKED me in to it.  All this happening while i have people digging babies out of me. TMI?. Wellllll...it was crazy. 
Add in not knowing what to expect, how was this all going to go down? how are the babies going to be? How is my Liam doing at home without me? it was scary and exciting. And scary.
i heard Daisy first, and to this day she has the loudest cry out of the two. Sam was next and since he was a little smaller , it took him a little bit more work to get his breathing going. I got to see both for seconds it seems, before they whisked them away to the NICU. Meanwhile, I was snipped (no more babies for us!) and the next few hours i dont even remember at all because all i could think about was the babies, wondering how they were doing and how much i just wanted to hold them and kiss their little faces and tell them how much i love them and how i needed to get my hands on a pump asap. 
The next few days was a whirlwind of pain, walking to see the babies and spending as much time in the NICU with them as possible, pumping pumping pumping, pain and more pain. Did i mention the pain? Holy incision hell. 
Coming home without the babies was so weird. The only consolation was knowing that they were right were they needed to be for now, they were doing well, and that the hospital was only a mile up the road from me. Over the next 2 weeks i was driven by jason or my mom to visit the babies twice a day for an hour . We would go over the railroad tracks and i would have to press my hand against the incision so as not to yell out in pain from the bump in the road jolting me to the very core it felt like. 
 I knew the day that i would be able to  go over those railroad tracks without feeling like i was going to rip in half was the day i was on my way to being back to normal.
During our visits i would feed them, change them, hold them, talk to them....wondering what it was actually going to be like when they came home... i prayed that they would be able to be home for Christmas  and we were so happy when we got an early present (s)and were able to bring the babies home, finally. 

The next six months were the longest six months of my life. They went by 
I felt like i was in an experiment to see how long a person can go without sleeping. 
I am always amazed at what the human mind and body can go through. 
Especially when it comes to having babies and everything thereafter. 

It took us those first 6 months to find our groove. 
i quit pumping and breastfeeding the day they turned 6 months old. i felt like i sprouted wings on that day. 
FREEDOM!!!! lol.
I was so over trying to guilt myself into pushing the breastfeeding thing as long as possible because i was going to LOSE MY MIND if i had to look at that pump one more time. 
I tried and succeeded for 6 months. I am proud of that. :)

And, well...last 6 months have flown by.
Its like one minute they were just starting to belly crawl , push up, eat baby food and little snacks and the next they are almost walking, saying mama, dada , daisy waiving hello, 4 teeth here 6 teeth there, playing with each other, daisy making kitty cat sounds, sam climbing up and going down the slide on his tummy, both trying to walk with everything and anything they are able to push, and both eating everything in sight.
woosh! Just like that. 

Its been beautiful and chaotic and our house has never been filled with so much love. I have learned so much about myself as a mother, wife, woman and just overall human being this past year. 
What an incredible adventure it has been thus far. And its just the beginning :)

Happy first birthday my loves. 

Love and Light, 

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