Monday, January 7, 2013

1.07.13 Life in pictures. Happy New Year!

Daisy stacking blocks...
Moments later, and not to be outdone...
Hangin' in Big Bros room.
When babies attack.
Sam has taken to climbing lately....
Oh my.
Liams been rockin it at school...
Liam intently watching his baby Einstein dvd  Chritmas night (a little too close might i add lol) but looking ADORABLE in his Christmas onsie pjs that grandma and grandpa got him 
(It says "Best Gift Ever" on the front. And that is so very true....)
The twins also got super cute pjs for Christmas from grandma and grandpa (its a tradition for our family to open up one present the night before Christmas and it is always pjs, so we can wear them to bed)

 Daisy's have cupcakes on them, appropriately so and Sammy's has monkeys, also appropriate. (i call Sammy my little spider monkey. hahaha what is it with me always naming my kids after animals and such?)
Oooooh. whats that? 
(watching blues clues....cause its bluuuues cluuuues bluuuues clues! haha) 
 (attempting) to switch sides. 
making due. lol
  little cuties.
Sam always does the "lean in". :)
Daisy's straight chillin like, what...?
All good.....until....
...Its not. 
 Ahhhh...Baba's make it alllll bettahhh....
Making a break for it.  
 Exploring my abandoned veggie garden.
(New garden in works for 2013!)
Going for a wagon ride... saying hi to our bamboo forest and the big pine trees...I always encourage the kids to LOOK UP! and around...  lol Is that weird? haha Big Bro following close behind :)
On a mission...
Daisy did not want to stop the ride....she didnt get out of the wagon the entire time we were outside...i pulled her oof and she would just climb right back I would occasionally go and pull her around....her smiling face and excitement  made it impossible not to....
Liam Oliver. 
Little light of our lives.
Watching the trees blow in the breeze.
Fun with chalk.
 Sam returned to try to convince Daisy to come and play...only to decide to take moment to kick his feet up...
Then he decided to take off into the wilderness...
Go Sammy go!
Come on...
You can do it....
Our tipsy attempts at kissy faces. 

NY Eve.
The babies fell asleep early and Liam went to sleep as well, no problem. 
J and I. 
A bottle of grape flavored vodka, a twelve pack of beer and flipping between Dick Clarks Rockin Eve and Palladium (RIP Dick!).
P.S. - I loved Jenny McCarthy on Rockin Eve, she is a total inspiration to me as well as a fellow Mother Warrior, rawr!! : })
We upgraded our phones as part of our Christmas gifts to ourselves....we  both now have that one phone camera option to point at ourselves and whatnot. you know what i mean....
I am not "with" all the tech-y lingo and such..... deal. lol
Prospero ano y felicidad!
Happy new year to all of my family and friends....and everyone! 
Much love and light to you all in this coming year. May you have a blessed 2013!

Love and Light,

RIP Fritzy.
The cutest, tiniest, sweetest little tiny teacup poodle i have ever met.
You were a wonderful companion and family member, and loved by us all.
I am grateful to have been able to hold you, just yesterday.
You precious little thing. 


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