Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Our week at Grandma and Grandpas house (Pics and vid's !)

Fresh from a bath, watching our fav Baby Einstein episode (Baby Mc Donald, Liam sings along to the Ee-Ii-Ee-Ii-Oo parts so cute) and chillin on g-ma and g-pa's deliciously comfy cozy bed.
(Note to self: must get Down EVERYTHING for our bed at home.)
Sammy was throwing a fit....Daisy came over to show brother some lovins.
 Jenny left to spend a few weeks in Orlando....we're gonna miss her! 
My little sneaky, sneaking off to explore ;)

The shirt says it all 
We stayed the week at Jason's parents BEAUTIFUL house, while they spent some time up north for our nephews high school graduation party (Congratulations Matt!) and to see fam.

After getting past the challenges of making sure to hide and or put up any and all things breakable (eek), relocating trash cans (Oh Daisy), blocking all stairways, removing all choking hazard items from little hands reach (Oh Sammy) and getting everyone settled in (Liam has a hard time with change sometimes, but impressed us with being the easiest to handle after the first initial day/night was all said and done)
It took about a day or so, but then we really got to enjoy the rest of the time spent here.
The kids lala-loved the big jacuzzi tub, the piano has been a hit on a daily basis and their garden and backyard area is so relaxing and fun for the kids to explore. There are quaint little stone paths leading to the back and around the house...beautiful flowers everywhere, benches and cool little statues and such..... has a sort of secret garden-esque vibe. Love it.

After getting the kids down at night, we made use of the pool table almost every evening, and I actually played semi decent! Made me miss hanging out at School House billiards back in my high school days!

I also really enjoyed being able to spend some time with my long time friend turned sister in law, Rosemary. Its interesting where life takes you. If I had not been friends with Roey oh so many many years ago ( i think I met her and became friends when i was about 13 and she was 15 or 16 and met Jason shortly there after), there would have never been an Alex and Jason! I mean he and I didnt hook up until I was 18 but who would have thunk that I was going to marry Roe's big brother and we'd become family? Still funny to think about sometimes. We had some good times, she and I and the rest of our crazy ass crew back in the day. We were wild and free! lol

Its been a treat staying here and being able to spend some time with my homie.
Also I want a convection oven. Hello, this thing rocks.

I am blessed.
Adore my 3 little birds.
Love my fam.
Cray-ness and all.

Love and light, 

Daisy rockin the house on grandpas piano... what a performance!
Sammy the little seal....future diver maybe? 

cant get this song out of my brain today....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Harper loves the "On the Farm" baby Einstein too ! Except she sings it "E- I- E- I- EEEEE" LOL