Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9.26.12 On turning 33, and other life things (Also- This Weeks Recipe)

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Samuel slept from 8 pm to 6 am, was given a bottle in his crib and promptly fell back to sleep again until 730am...which is heavenly. Sleep in general is heavenly. Glorious glorious sleep. Amazing and lovely and glorious.
Haha, OK I think you get the point.

I also awoke feeling very grateful. Blessed to have had these 33 years thus far, full of many adventures.
A lot of people often wonder their entire lives, why they were put on this earth. Why am I here? What its my purpose? I think we are given not one, but many purposes in life.
For me, all it takes is looking at my babies beautiful faces, to know why. To know my purpose. At least the most important one anyway. :)
And that's a good feeling.

Liam got up shortly after me, and I wasn't ready to get out of bed yet, so i let him crawl under the covers with me to snuggle for a bit. A few minutes later we heard Sam chirping over the monitor, then Daisy. Rise and shine little birds!
After breakfast we had our morning music time aka get your groove on. This mornings music choices were Violent Femmes and Simon and Garfunkel. As soon as the first song starts playing, regardless of the song- Liam always reaches up for me to pick him up so we can dance together. Always. Its one of my favorite little life things. If Daisy is standing up while the music is on, she bounces up and down, shaking her stuff and smiles with her whole face. Sammy likes to stare at me, his crazy, dancing in her pjs mama, and when i catch his eye, he gives me a coy little grin. I think he loves me. ;)



I'll be making moussaka for dinner tonight, one of my favorite dishes. Its Jason's moms recipe. I don't use eggplants. It is a delicious concoction of sliced potatoes, ground meat ( i am going to use chicken and pork since we don't eat beef) diced tomatoes, sauteed onions and topped with shredded chedder. The secret ingredient is cinnamon. yes cinnamon.  Home cooked, carb/cheese/yummy-ness. 
You can find my recipe here .

I have the babes taking their afternoon bottles now, and they should be asleep soon. Liam is eating his snack and i am gettting ready to start up one of his shows. Quiet time.
For me, i am thinking yoga, and a shower.

P.s - Does someone want to come over and mop for me? Cause that would make a rad birthday gift. Ha!
P.p.s- Have to post this video of  the VF's. One of my favs by them :) In fact this entire cd rocks.

Love and light, 

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