Thursday, September 6, 2012

9.6.12 The poo rule

If you live in a household where the kids outnumber the adults, and they are still in diapers, chances are you know the poo rule.
If you have somewhere to be- on time- and you just so happen to be taking said kids who are still in diapers, then you will have at least one or maybe even two poopy diapers to change 5 minutes before you have to walk out of the door. Never fails.
Also, add in the rule of two ( multiply any time range given by parent of twins by two. EXAMPLE: If I say I am going to be there with the twins in 30 minutes, times that by two. I will be there in an hour. Etc... You get the picture.)
I am proud to say however, today I beat the poo rule and the rule of 2 and made it EARLY, to drop liam off at his first day of school. So early in fact, we had to drive around for ten minutes.... :)
Hey, you take what you can get!

1 comment:

Kefofo said...

LoL this needs to be a mathematical equation for all parents of twins. The new and improved parent algorithm lol