Wednesday, September 10, 2014

30 Day 3 Positive - Day 3

I missed yesterday so here is my Day 3
1. That 30 minute to an hour period of time after Liam gets on the bus and before the twins wake up- when I get to sit quietly and sip my coffee. Golden. 
2. My children's little voices and words. (You know, when they're being sweet and From daisy's unprompted kisses followed by Mommy I wov you SO much.... To Sammy's Mommy I wanna holdsh you (meaning he wants me to pick him up and hold him) Liam's precious little self saying Bye Bye to me as he gets in the bus, saying juice as he walks in the kitchen in the mornings, and all the new words he is saying lately.
In my world, communication and words do not go unappreciated. 
3. Getting to spend time with siblings.We may not always see eye to eye, and sometimes we may even go long periods if time without speaking but when you get beyond those things there is a bond/unspoken understanding/love/support/friendship/shared craziness you cant deny.  I am spending the next few days hanging out with my little sis Jenny, and i have missed her. I love our conversations, watching her with the birds and them loving her so much, and just sitting on the couch at at night watching movies. Little things.

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